Wabeno Area Players Begins its 2025 Theater Season

What do four nuns, a priest, two reporters who impersonate a nun and a priest, a Cardinal and a somewhat clueless gardener who also dresses up as a priest have in common? If that sounds confusing, it is! If you need a laugh, head to Wabeno Area Players production of “Drinking Habits” by Tom Smith.

“Drinking Habits” tells the story of two nuns at the Sisters of Perpetual Sewing who have been secretly making wine to keep the convent doors open. Their operation is threatened when two reporters, posing as a nun and a priest, arrive in search of a story.

Chaos ensues as accusations and mistaken identities run wild in this laugh-out-loud farce. Sprinkle in additional nuns and some romance and you’ve got a hilarious experience at the theater.

The comedy opens Friday, April 11th at 7:00 p.m. with additional performances Saturday, April 12th at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 13th at 2:00 pm. For more information, call (715) 473-5466 or (715) 889-0306. This Wabeno Area Players production is the Nancy Volk Auditorium located at Wabeno High School, 4325 Branch St., Wabeno, WI 54566. This play is appropriate for all ages. Tickets are $15 for Adults and $10 for Students.

Tickets can be purchased online by clicking here or will also be available at the door one hour before each performance.

Picture Caption: A scene form Wabeno Area Players production of Drinking Habits. Sr. Philamina (Mary Ellen Keller), George (Tim Derfus) and Sr. Augusta (Lori Mattern)

Be a part of WAP!

The players are ready to start our first Reader’s Theater of 2025. For those thinking about participating it’s easy, fun and a minimal time commitment. The following is the rehearsal dates and information about the performance:


  • Sunday, Feb 23rd from 12pm-2pm
  • Wednesday, Feb 26th from 5:30pm- 7pm
  • Thursday, Feb 27th from 5:30pm- 7pm


  • Sunday, March 2nd at 1 pm at the Big Easel

Performing at the Big Easel is the best setting we could ask for. Nothing beats the energy and environment. Tim and Connie created the perfect venue for this Theater Form. You will enjoy every minute of it!

What is readers theater?

Reader’s Theater is a performance where actors read scripts allowed to represent a story to the audience. How does it work? Actors use their voice, facial expressions and body language to convey meaning. They hold the script throughout the performance. NO MEMORIZING! There are sometimes costumes, props and other special effects.You only need to commit to two rehearsals and of course the performance. Please let me know by this Thursday, February 20th by 5:00PM. Once we know who would like to participate, selections will be chosen and distributed. The rehearsal place will be announced as soon as we have everyone that wants to participate. This performance will focus on short fun comedy selections for individuals and small groups.

You don’t need experience! Everyone is welcome! If you know of someone that might enjoy this let, them know about this opportunity.

If you would be interested in participating, or would like more information please send an email to wabenoap@gmail.com or call Josh at (715) 889-1606. Leave a message and he will get back to you.

We can’t wait to get started! Let’s have some fun and create something all will enjoy!

Wabeno Area Players Announce New Season!

The Wabeno Area Players are proud to reveal the line-up of performances for their 2025 season. The shows for this year are an amazing variety of productions which are sure to be audience pleasers!

The Players’ first event of 2025 is a concert by The UWMadhatters A Cappella Group on February 15 at 7:00pm in the Nancy Volk Auditorium at Wabeno High School. The MadHatters, are easily recognized by their trademark red jackets, and are known for their goofy antics, outrageous harmonies, dashing looks, and impressive musical talent. Tickets are already on sale. FIND THEM BY CLICKING HERE

Rehearsals are already underway for the Players’ first play of the season. Following their tradition of uproariously funny comedies, the Players will stage, “Drinking Habits,” by Tom Smith. Accusations, mistaken identities, and romances run wild in this laugh-out-loud farce. The performances will be on Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12 at 7:00pm and Sunday, April 13 at 2:00pm at the Nancy Volk Auditorium.

The Sixth Annual Huisman Honors Recital is on Saturday, May 17 at 7:00pm in the Nancy Volk Auditorium in Wabeno. Audiences are sure to enjoy the exceptional talents of high school students from throughout the state of Wisconsin. The students will be performing their Class A vocal and instrumental solos in hopes of winning substantial scholarships offered by the Wabeno Area Players and the Huisman family. In 2025, the Wabeno Area Players are excited to offer a summer show! In July, they will present a somewhat twisted take on the secret world of ice fisherman in the show” Guys on Ice – an Ice Fishing Musical Comedy”, by Fred Alley, with music by James Kaplan. Production dates for this hilarious comedy are Friday, July 25 at 7:00pm, Saturday, July 26 at both 2:00pm AND 7:00pm and on Sunday, July 27 at 2:00pm in the Nancy Volk Auditorium.

The Players will close out their 2025 season with the play, “Wild Women of Winedale”,by Wooten, Jones and Hope on Friday, September 26 and Saturday, September 27 at 7:00pm and Sunday, September 28 at 2:00pm in the Nancy Volk Auditorium. This joyful and exuberant, yet ultimately touching, comedy focuses on three women at crossroads in their lives—the Wild sisters of Winedale, Virginia. This comedy is guaranteed to drive audiences WILD with laughter.

Keep an eye on the Wabeno Area Players’ Facebook page and their website for information concerning other readers’ theaters throughout the year. Also, see more information on shows or to purchase tickets at, www.wabenoareaplayers.org. Anyone wanting to get involved with shows as a cast or crew member should contact the organization at 715-473-5466 or 715-889-0306. WAP season brochures can be requested by calling those same phone numbers. The Wabeno Area Players hope to see you at all the shows in the Nancy Volk Auditorium this year!


Due to severe weather, the Players will be canceling our launch party planned for this Sunday, January 19th. We will instead launch our season through traditional mail and through our online presence.

Thank you to everyone who was planning to attend and we encourage you to stay safe and warm this weekend! Remember to mark your calendars for Feb 15th and the UW Madhatters- and check back here soon for exciting updates on our 2025 season!