Murder, mayhem, devious exploitation and a healthy serving of laughter are all features of Dr. Daniel Boatright’s comedy-mystery, The Seasonal Psychologist. The Wabeno Area Players will present this show as a tribute to Daniel, who wrote many plays for the group and performed his works with themSeveral unique characters have checked into Dr. Sigmund Eggelhoffer’s Retreat and Sanitorium near Wabeno, WI, looking for healing solutions for their “issues.” Instead of helpful therapy, the not-so-good doctor robs them of their money, feeds them only beans and tree moss, and offers demented counseling from an associate who is running from the law. Yikes! The action is all comedy and chaos when Eggelhoffer is murdered and every person at the retreat has a motive and their own weapon of choice.
Nancy Volk Aditorium
April 12 and 13th at 7pm
April 14th at 2pm